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Jean went from surviving to thriving!
In 2023 she was struggling with underlying autoimmune issues, high inflammation, fatigue, and GI issues. Now recognizing the root causes of her conditions; she's not only down 40+ pounds but onto living a better quality of life.
had severe sleep issues, often getting only 2-4 hours of sleep per night, resulting in daytime fatigue and lethargy. After consulting with Marla, they discovered an MTHFR gene mutation. Marla recommended methylated vitamin B supplements to address this issue. Since starting the supplements, the speaker now gets 5-7 hours of sleep and feels much more energized, even with 5.5 hours of rest.
I had my physical in January and my vitamin D was low. My Dr wanted me to take a higher dose and check back in three months. I was given your Nature’s Divine Mineral water, which I used for two-three weeks right before I had bloodwork done. I had my follow up yesterday and my vitamin D was good. Dr M. started flipping through my chart and said, “You know something, I’ve never seen your bloodwork so good. It’s really good, it’s the best it’s ever been!”I asked him what he meant and he read me my liver & kidney number’s from last Wednesday. Then he showed me what they were the last year!! The only thing that’s different is your Nature’s Divine Mineral water. Thank you!
I’m so grateful to have your help, especially since my husband had surgery Thursday. His heart went into a-fib after they started and his blood pressure dropped. It’s been stressful and I have to say that I’ve been using the five audio’s off and on all day! I always use before bed but find it brings me back to center when I’m out. of balance. I’ve used your Nature’s Divine Mineral Water for four days. Yesterday I felt great. I feel it’s helping my joints too! I’m taking most of the supplements also. I feel that this whole thing has been Divinely orchestrated
My husband has arthritis in his hands and it’s been getting more difficult for him to hold a golf club and just day to day things like opening lids and grabbing onto things. Well, since he’s been using your Nature’s Divine Mineral Water, his pain has decreased a good bit and so has the inflammation. I noticed a couple of weeks ago, but he hadn’t said anything until last night in the hospital. So, his hands are feeling much better. Thank you!
I had been to many doctors for painful mouth ulcers. No medication would take them away.
My wife was speaking to Marla and told her about my condition. Marla recommended taking 5-6 drops of Nature’s Divine Mineral Water and putting it into my water bottle and drinking it throughout the day. I started drinking the treated mineral water right away. By the next day, all of my mouth ulcers were completely gone. That was 2 months ago and the ulcers have never returned. I feel like a new person!
I attended one of Marla‘s speaking events about a month and a half ago. She encouraged me right away to begin optimal healing, through getting proper nourishment and optimizing on the cellular level. I began her protocol right away as I desperately wanted to feel better. I’ve been struggling with Cerebral Palsy, Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis all of my life. Within a month and a half, my bloodwork is amazing and the inflammation is so much better. Often I work out at her gym 4-6 times a week so that I can continue moving and working on stability and balance.”
Larry has an amazing "come back" testimony. I began working with Larry in October 2022. He was on an all-liquid diet consisting on 7-9 cases of Ensure Plus a month. He was diagnosed with cancer and suffered complications due to a colonoscopy.
After 2 months meeting with me, he is almost entirely off of Ensure Plus and has a daily mid-morning meal. In March 2023, he was able to travel. Both of these events, he has only been able to dream about doing for the last 15 years. Please see Larry's story as the "come back kid".
Benefits she has seen after 3 months
Benefits he has seen after 3 months
Benefits he has seen after 3 months
Stakeholder Advisory Board for University of Pittsburgh Patient Centered Outcomes Research for Sepsis & Pneumonia
®© All Rights Reserved. Marla Turnbull, Natures Divine Healing 2023. This sites content is not to be copied or downloaded. Unauthorized use of the content could result in legal activity.
Disclaimer: Neither are the meal plans or nutrition information intended to be understood as putting forth any cure for any type of acute or chronic health problem. You should always consult with a competent, fully licensed medical professional when making any decisions.
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