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TAKE THIS QUIZ: Which statement is a behavior?
① 2022 GOAL: "Eat healthier."
② PLAN: Make veggies a base for a meal in a 75/25 ratio - 75% plants, 25% protein [animal or plant]
③ EXECUTE: Prepare three salads this week that you enjoy as a base for simple proteins.
If you answered ③, you are correct ! Why is the answer to this question the most important you will consider this upcoming year? Because focusing on anything but behavior tied to an emotion rarely produces change that lasts. Statements ① and ② are important pieces of the puzzle, but simply committing to these statements doesn't drive lasting behaviors that will support you in meeting your ultimate health goal.
Work with a credentialed healthcare professional experienced with health behavior change to assess your goals and create a plan that optimizes success with meeting your health goals. For me, part of the plan always includes getting in the kitchen - it's hard to meet and sustain any health goal without some level of cooking competency.
swipe past the diet trends
stop counting calories
save money by not eating out
Finally, get in the kitchen
Stakeholder Advisory Board for University of Pittsburgh Patient Centered Outcomes Research for Sepsis & Pneumonia
®© All Rights Reserved. Marla Turnbull, Natures Divine Healing 2023. This sites content is not to be copied or downloaded. Unauthorized use of the content could result in legal activity.
Disclaimer: Neither are the meal plans or nutrition information intended to be understood as putting forth any cure for any type of acute or chronic health problem. You should always consult with a competent, fully licensed medical professional when making any decisions.
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